Directorate: Adult Mental health & Disability Services
Location: Lakeview, Gransha Park, Londonderry
Accountable to: Chief-Executive through the Divisional Clinical Director for Psychiatry and the Medical Director
Posts available: 2 permanent posts, full-time (40 hpw) and part-time (27 hpw).
Job Summary
The WHSCT wishes to appoint a 1.7 WTE Consultant Psychiatrists to work in the Intellectual Disability Hospital and Community Teams. The post holders will work within the multidisciplinary team to deliver an integrated care across adult intellectual disability services.
This is a replacement post (1.0 WTE) and a new part-time post (0.7 WTE). The post-holders will be work alongside 2 Consultant Colleagues:
- Dr Ryan McHugh – Consultant Psychiatrist for adults with Intellectual Disability with a special interest in forensic psychiatry; (Full time)
- Dr Locum – Consultant Psychiatrist in the Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Service. (Full time), Women’s and Children’s Directorate
The development of the posts represent an opportunity to re-design, improve and ‘future- proof’ the intellectual disability services.
The Trust shares a vision for service development outlined in the Bamford Review’s Equal Lives document and will be reviewing service provision in line with Regional Review of Learning Disability Acute (Inpatient & Intensive Community) Services in Northern Ireland.
The Trust is committed to the developing the “Future roles of psychiatrists working with people with an intellectual disability” as outlined in the Faculty Report from the Royal College of Psychiatry. The trust is aiming to provide a tiered approach to psychiatric care, based on a stepped care model with collaborative, multidisciplinary care pathways. The post provides an exciting opportunity to contribute to the development of a comprehensive and effective mental health service for adults with an intellectual disability. The post holder will be encouraged to participate fully in clinical leadership of the service, with an expectation that the service will be modelled and bench-marked against best practice.
The post-holder will work very closely with their Consultant colleagues. If young people are ‘open’ to psychiatric care within the service when they turn eighteen-years-old, clinical responsibility for their care will transfer to the post-holder.
For more details view the full job description in the Additional Information section below.